Finding peace of purpose on the road

Greet Dom

December 16, 2024

Finding peace of purpose on the road

During one of my travels, I found myself in a remote spot on the island of Harris, one of the most distant hybrid islands off the Scottish coast. A rugged, bit mysterious island with beautiful nature and warm-hearted people. 

I took this photo from my little home on wheels. It reflects for me that peaceful feeling of ‘purpose'. 

The road to the next destination is clear and a little winding, disappearing behind the hill. It’s not clear what lies beyond the hill. I could fantasize about it, but I would need to drive this stretch of road first to see what tomorrow brings.

I don’t know what the next destination exactly looks like, but every time I look at the photo, many experiences flow through me: curiosity, desire, anticipation… Also, some doubt, uncertainty, a slight tension that comes from the unknown.

That’s a lot of energy all together!

As long as I don’t analyze or explain all those experiences, it is a fulfilling experience. It is energy I can sink into, that surrounds and carries me. It brings peace. It is good where I am tonight in my little home. And tomorrow, I’ll continue, following ‘THAT.’

This is for me finding peace in my purpose. A moving and at the same time stable energy that keeps me on the road. Telling me when to rest and go inward, or to move forward and take the next step. 

How does your purpose feel like?

You don't need to have a clear picture of it. 

Life purpose is a deep experience, not a form. Connecting with the experience reveals each step of the way. And those steps naturally create the right ways to shape your life’s purpose. This is a pleasant and relaxing way to grow in your life, work, and relationships.

Would you like to learn more about how this works for you? Check out my class and learn how to connect deeply with your own life purpose and feel the peace and calm of it. 

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